
Populating dual object value bug

Kevin 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 months ago 3

Sometimes using a dual object as a limiter on a dual direction math it does not store the value entered. Not sure if its the same on other functions.

Enter value into Out 1 then hit down key rather than return key and the value fails to store although appears to be saved in the property section.

Enter value into Out 2 then hit up key the value fails to store.

Clicking off the channel in the main workspace and then reselecting it shows it has not remembered the value you entered in property section, and instead goes with the value shown at the bottom of the page.

I had multiple instances where I thought I entered a value and found it had not stored correctly, but seems intermittent, made worse if you key down to Out 1 (to enter a value) from the 'input' selected (highlighted) first rather than using the mouse.

IQAN Design 7.02.

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