Unable to change control order in display editor.

Matt 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 weeks ago 1

I'm having some difficulty changing the control order in the display page editor in the latest version of Design 6.

The software manual says: 

"To change the order, drag and drop a control, group or layer within the control list."

But when I try to drag items around to change their order I get the circle with a line through it mouse pointer. When you release the mouse button the order numbers haven't changed.

I figured it out. When dragging to the new location you can't have the mouse pointer above the any text or icons (hide button or lock icon), you must have it over a white space in the list. Somewhat counterintuitive since you have to ‘grab’ the item if so to speak with the cursor by the text in one of the fields.