i cannot import idax into iqango

chuck streb 5 months ago in IQANgo updated 5 months ago 5

i can see the file but it is grayed out ! i have the file on onedrive and on the phone but i am not able to import it !



Yes, this is an issue that i have also seen.

I have found two ways of getting around this issue.

The first is to have the file sent in a email and open the file from the email.

This will open the file in IQANgo and automatically add it.

The second is if you have the file locally on the hone.

Use a file explorer that lets you assign what app should open the file and open it trough that.

You might need to download an seperate file explorer app for this as the standard on your phone might not be able to do this.

email and open the file from the email.- worked

now to find a good file explorer

i think the next release should fix this issue , i have code on phone and in onedrive ... it doesnt work

hard to get to customers ... unless i have them do the email trick. nice catch

I found "Solid Explorer" for android to make the associations needed to import !

i would never ask the customer to do this but good for staff.

Email is better for customers.

Hopefully a fix for this comes out