Why is the largest value of a 32 bit integer limited in IQAN?

705David 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated 6 months ago 0

I am trying to store a 10 digit serial number inside my MC43FS code on IQANDesign 7.02.

Unfortunately I have found that the serial numbers always start with 2 and IQAN is limited to storing 2000000000 as an integer parameter.

The system will not accept storing 2000000001.

Why is it that a 32 bit signed integer is limited to 2000000000? The max value of a 32 bit signed integer should be 2147483647.

Edit: I should note that a text parameter cannot be used in this scenario because I must compare the serial number to see if it has been updated/changed throughout the life of the product and take action when it is changed. I am trying to avoid stripping off the 2 and including instructions for technicians to update only the last 9 digits because I can't automatically populate a 2 at the beginning in IQANRun or IQANGo. I am afraid that will net us the first 9 digits of serial numbers if techs don't read the instructions closely.

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