"Maximum 9 simulink models allowed in IQAN"?

Veeresh 6 months ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

In IQANDesign, under application logic -> simulink model, i'm unable to load multiple top level models(.ism's). Is this a limitation? If yes, then what do you mean by "Maximum 9 Simulink models allowed in IQAN"?

Does this mean top level model can only have 9 simulink models? i understand "9 is the highest priority" one can assign to simulink models but What happens if there are more than 9 simulink models under top model with multiple models assigned to same priority? 

There is one .ism file with the "top" model. 

This can contain up to 9 models that you can reference from the application.