
Simulink example

Marcel 2 years ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 4


I would like to get familiar with the ‘Simulink model' functionality while my colleague is working on the model. Unfortunately, there is no example in iQan Design which I can try. Is it possible to get a (simple) example of a Simulink model? Just to get familiar with it?



Simulink Test Point Channel

Marcel 1 year ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 12 months ago 5


is it possible to use the value of the Simulink Test Point Channels in iQan? Or is it nessecary to create an Output port to use the value? Or a workaround maybe without changing the Simulink Function Group?

Best regards,


Image 4125


"Maximum 9 simulink models allowed in IQAN"?

Veeresh 6 months ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

In IQANDesign, under application logic -> simulink model, i'm unable to load multiple top level models(.ism's). Is this a limitation? If yes, then what do you mean by "Maximum 9 Simulink models allowed in IQAN"?

Does this mean top level model can only have 9 simulink models? i understand "9 is the highest priority" one can assign to simulink models but What happens if there are more than 9 simulink models under top model with multiple models assigned to same priority? 


multiple simulink top models

hongxiang yu 1 year ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated 1 year ago 6

Does the IQANdesign only allow to add one simulink model in application ? I got an error "multiple simulink top models" when two simulimk modes were added in application.

Have any limitation aboout generated .ism file size or how many inside function block levels in IQANdesign ?

I was successful add a simulink model into IQAN but IQAndesign is always crashed when I try to make one more function in the model. No special error during converting to ism file. (I am using IQANdesign 6.08 version) 


Simulink models possible in MC43FS/42 FS ?

hongxiang yu 1 year ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 3

Is that possible deploy simulink models for MC43 FS/ MC42 FS in IQANdesign 6.08 ?


IQAN toolbox for Simulink verstion 1.0

IQAN toolbox for Simulink verstion 1.0.3 is now released.

IQANdesign version 7 requires updating to this version, see:

IQAN toolbox for Simulink -supported versions / Knowledge base / IQAN

Information about the toolbox and download link here: IQAN Toolbox for Simulink

For details on the update, see release notes


Simulink with lots of inputs and outputs

Marcel 2 years ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 1

We are working with a Simulink model with a lot of in and outputs (20+ at the moment). Every time I get a new model (we are testing the machine) I need to relink al the in- and outputs by hand. I foresee I have to do this a lot in the near future. Is there an easy way so I don't have to relink al the in- and outputs by hand every time the simulink model is updated? Or combine all or some of the inputs to one for example. Now we use digitals, integers and reals.

Thank you!


Error while converting Simulink model into IQAN file

Friso Meeusen 3 years ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 14

For a project I am trying to convert a Simulink model, DOF3_RRR, which consits out of DOF3_Robot and DOF3_ForwardKinematics into an IQAN file. However, I keep on getting this error in the build sumarry: "Code generation file does not exist.". You can find the full output in the attachments:


I noticed three points in the output that could be the source:

Warning: File 'codedescriptor.dmr' not found.

Warning: File 'codedescriptor.dmr' not found.

Warning: File 'codedescriptor.dmr' not found.

Warning: File 'codedescriptor.dmr' not found.

Error: Simulink Coder Error: Simulink Coder Fatal: Failed to compute step size for TID=[0...1] in 'ModelReference' Block: '<Root>/Robot'

Model Action Rebuild Reason


DOF3_RRR_IQAN2 Failed Code generation information file does not exist.

Please let me know if you have an idea to fix this.

Thank you in advance!



IQAN toolbox for Simulink .mltbx file?

gyawali 3 years ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 1


I am trying to implement control logic for my application in Simulink for MC-43 Parker module. However, I cannot find the installation file for the toolbox anywhere. Could you please help in this regard. Thank you! 


Matlab -Simulink for MC41

GRANJOT 4 years ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Edward Polzin 4 years ago 2

Summary of the application: The controller receives, with a certain frequency, CAN messages containing data from 5 or 6 sensors in the system. We are going to program Lookup tables in the controller using Simulink. Lookup tables will be used for processing input data. This processing generates informations to be sent to the central controller. When we say Lookup tables, we are talking about several tables of size which may be important. The size of these tables can reach hundreds of MB.

Questions :

In the case of simulation, we will not have memory problems because these tables will be in the Matlab workspace. However, in the real application:

  • Will these tables be saved in the controller?
  • Does the internal memory of an MC41 allow it?
  • Does this not affect the computational time performance of the controller?
  • Could you confirm the possibility of using an MC41 for this application?
  • Could you confirm the possibility of using the Simulink lookup tables in an IQANdesign application?

In the training given to us by RGDH, we did not talk about the use of Matlab-Simulink in IQANdesign, and there are very few tutorials on the subject, Could you please provide us with documents or tutorial videos on the Matlab-Simulink-IQANdesign coupling?
