Iqandesign 7.02 - j1939 PGN 60416 not reading off the bus

Michael Carlyle 3 days ago in IQANdesign 0

I updated a current program from 6.08 to 7.02 that that contains our own DM1 reader which requires reading in PGN's 65226, 60416, and 60160 for multiple SPN's from the engine.

PGN 60416 is not updating off the bus in 7.02 (it reads fine in 6.08).  I realize that there is a warning for "invalid Identifier "but that has been there in 6.08 as well and it still worked).  The values can be sniffed off the bus for the byte starting at bit 41 which can be seen changing form 202 to 227 and back but the Iqan is only reading 227 and therefor not getting the correct PGN for the BAM message (it switches between 65226 and 65251).  In Iqananalyze you can see the value is 202 but the Iqan 7.02 version of the program will not update the value for byte 6 on PGN 60416 ...it stays at 227.

Is this a glitch or is it something that has been blocked in Iqandesign 7.02 for some reason?