Under review

Iqan Design 7.02: can mux not correctly imported

Richard Gagnardot 4 months ago in IQANdesign updated 4 months ago 2


I have imported from a dbc some generic CAN frame with mux. Each mux in each frame generated have the same value: 0

Moreover, the frame with the real mux value of "0" is not imported.

Is this bug known?

Under review

Are you importing as GFIN or GFOUT? 

Is the multiplexor given as a range? 

There was a previous discussion in J1939 DBC importation: multiplexor issue / Software / IQAN, one of the problems was related to a range as multiplex value. 

Hello Gustav,

It's imported as GFOUT (no issue with GFIN), here is the frame.

Image 4523

Image 4522

I don't think that it's the same issue as my previous topic, because I can see the different frame imported but the "VCU VDV261 Mux" is set at "0" on each frame.


Image 4524

Image 4525