Ryan 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated 1 month ago 2

I am needing information about the TPOUT channel that the manual does not provide.

I want to send message using J1939 to a 3rd party that will display the message on a user display. (NOT IQAN)

I need know how the message is sent in the TPOUT J1939 data packet.

Can I use the TPOUT channel, or do I need to convert the message from ASCII to HEX and send using a JPOUT channel?

Is it send as a multipacket with one char per byte?

If so, which char is offset bits 1-8, first char in the message or last char in the message.

Thank you

The TPOUT takes the input text and codes it as UTF-8. As long as you only use regular characters this can be read as ASCII.

The TPOUT use as many characters as needed for the input text (up to the limit you define on the TPOUT) and amends a n (optional) delimiter to it. 

The delimiter makes it possible to send multiple texts in the same PG. 

As texts tend to be more than 8 bytes, you normally send texts as J1939 multipacket. Set multipacket on the JFOUT channel.

How it is transported is defined in SAE J1939-21. 

(You get 7 characters per data transfer message).


This clarification has helped.

Thank you