Latching with delay on time

Kerry Brock 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated 2 months ago 2

test.idax  I am running into an issue with an IDC channel that seems odd.  Using IQANdesign 7.02 The activating object is a DIN and I have the delay on time for the idc set to 2000 ms.  I cycle the DIN on and back off well before 2000 ms, so the IDC should not see the DIN true for 2000 ms.  After I cycle the DIN on and back off the IDC latches true after 2000 ms. I would expect that since the DIN is not true for 2000 ms, it should not latch true, but it does.  Is it operating as intended or is there something I am missing?  (test.idax is attached which is the example I am seeing this in.)

Hello Kerry.

It is operating as intended.

You are activating the latch with the DIN and then it takes 2000ms until the channel becomes true.

The built in delay only acts on the activating of the channel not the latching condition.

To get a function as you want you could set the condition to "or" and have the channel itself as a "single" activating condition also.

Then you would need to have the DIN active for 2000ms before the IDC becomes active and then it will hold itself activated until you get something on the blocking side.

Thank you Thomas.  I was able to get the latching to work by changing the IDC with the original logic to AND and then add another IDC with latching and it only looks at the original IDC.  That allows the original to "delay on" as intended and not cause latching unless the original IDC Activating conditions are True continually for the "delay on" time.