IQANdesign 6.01 files opening in 6.08

Justin Wagner 1 month ago in IQANdesign updated 1 month ago 2

I'm having some issues with IQAN project files created and saved in IQANdesign 6.01.6 launching in IQANdesign 6.08.30 when trying to open the file by double-clicking. Yes, 6.08 warns you that the file will be updated to a new version, and I can still open the file in 6.01.6 if I first launch IQANdesign 6.01.6 and then go file->open, but that's not the most convenient and you need to know which version of IQANdesign the project was saved in beforehand.

Is there any way to make sure the projects saved in 6.01 will open in IQANdesign 6.01 by default even with later versions of IQANdesign 6.xx installed on the computer?

No, there is a launcher that opens .idax and .idsx files in the major version they were saved in (versions 5, 6 or 7). 

But this does not distinguish between minor versions, like 6.01 and 6.08.

You can view the version a project file was last saved in by right clicking on the file in windows explorer and select Properties file info. 

Thanks for the reply. I thought I had it opening in the correct IQANdesign minor version previously, but maybe I'm misremembering.