IQAN run can adapter
I am trying to connect to a machine using an mc2 and several xa2's. I have multiple can adapters from several manufacturers all of which use J1939. Is it possible to load a driver into iqan for one of the devices I currently have? Adapters I have are a nexiq usb link v3, cat comm adapter 4, john deere edl v3, and a dearborn protocol adapter
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Justin,
Here is the post outlining what will work:
Thank you for the reply. I have read that post, I was just hoping to avoid purchasing yet another adapter for the multiple brands I work on. I have even reflashed my cat com 4 back to com 3 which says is supported but still no connection
I have ordered a kvaser leaf, I guess I will try that
Do you know what version the MC2 firmware is? CAT CA3: Requires IQANdesign 2.60.34 /IQANrun 2.60.29 or later.
Don't forget the IQAN MC2 also has an on board USB port:
I am not sure of firmware version. I did find the usb port however I did not not try to connect through that as I do not not currently have a ground loop isolator. Is the usb connection fast enough to support real time monitoring? Have a very intermittent problem I'm trying to track down
Yes, the USB connection can be used for measuring in real time on the MC2.
Kvaser Leaf will work with standard Kvaser drivers.
Thank you, I will be back at it tomorrow, will post outcome
With the kvaser leaf I was able to establish a can connection. I then learned the machine was old enough that I had to use run2. Once I was able to get run2 installed everything worked as it should.