Not a bug

upgraded from 2.63 to 4.03, COUT errors

Forrest 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 8 years ago 5

I am using the MD3 with a XA2 and a pair of XS2 modules.

I updated to 4.03 to read a 500 baud vehicle J1939.

Half of the COUTs are disabled with out of range errors. swapping to an MD3 with the old 2.63 program, and its all good (save for I can't read the vehicle's J1939)

One other question; how do I un-update the MD3?

I could not reinstall a 2.63 program on a 4.03 MD3.

I would try uploading a 3.whatever Design program, but I am out of MD3s (have 1@ 2.63, 1@ 4.01 and 1@ 4.03)

Satisfaction mark by Forrest 8 years ago

Update on the side issue; I was able to "downdate" version 4 to version 3. I have not yet been able to check to see if version 3.19 produces the same COUT errors as 4.01 and 4.03.



to send a 2.xx Version to the MD3 use IQANrun instead. You can use IQANrun 4.x for that.

Thanks Arno. Run4 was able to send the 2.63 program and firmware.


Looks like it wasn't a real bug, just a difference in how the versions react to valve settings outside of the allowable range. It doesn't cause a problem for v2 and aparently cuts the function in V 3 and 4.