

Richard Staite 8 years ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 2

If you have a particularly large log file is there any way of copying the entire log from the master unit (in our case an MD4) as an excel file or cvs file without first bringing them to the screen with Iqanrun? I have tried taking a backup file, but i don't seem to be able to get the backup file to open up with Iqanrun. (I'm working on simulator at the moment - not on the actual system).

Satisfaction mark by Richard Staite 8 years ago

If you have taken a backup file (irf4) you need access to the corresponding project file to view it. This is because the backup file does not contain channel and module names and therefor needs the project file to get those. So, first open the project file that the log belongs to, and then open the log backup file. Now you can save the log and select which format you want.

Another way to do this is to go to the Project View tab and click Get and View. You will be asked if you also want to get all logs. If you have a lot of large logs you may want to get just the log you are interested in, then click No, select the log in the Project Manager to the left and click Get log records. Then save the log and select which format you want.

There is a third option that could be good to use. If you use IQANscript and create a script with the get log action, the script will have the project file embedded, and can get the full log and save as excel or csv in just one step.