
Problem with load new project in to IQAN-MD4

Krzysztof Bręk 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 years ago 8

The module MD4-5 [-1] does not match the address of the application. Do you want to download the application to this module anyway? In order to upgrade the MD4-5 to version 4.00 and later the module must first be upgraded to at least version 3.17.



Yes, you need one of the ID-Tags connected to the Md4.


quick answer

Satisfaction mark by Krzysztof Bręk 8 years ago

Could some explain me what does mean? What should I do? "The module MD4-5 [-1] does not match the address of the application." Thanks :)


This sounds like there is no address tag installed in the connector. If there is no address tag or if it does not match the address in te project file being installed, you will get this message.

You mean if I should installed between ADDRL and ADDRH tag address ? You mean If I have in my project address 0 Id tag should be 294 ohm (20085050)


Yes, you need one of the ID-Tags connected to the Md4.

Hello, how can i my md4-7 upgraded to the least version 3.17. Where can i find the file?