
adding static forms for pages background design

David Dufour 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Arno Heeren 8 years ago 1

Is in the future you expect to add the option to make us able to create a background and add forms to separate items and have some kind of box or forms like rectangle/circle/panel layout to make easier the graphical design.

Actually, the only way to obtain this is to build it with an external application and import this after. but if we have any modification to do, we have to re-edit this graphic and update it.

For big developpment this is acceptable, but for simple/quick project, this option can be very interesting. In the industrial type HMI, they use this concept. You still able to import, but you can design panel and other graphical add-ons to arrange your page.


Good idea. In a first step I would be very pleased, if we could resize and crop images. It is one thing to create images and symbols with other software, but the other one is to have them in the right (pixel-)size.