
IQANdesign 4.05 with IQAN-MC43 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Johan Lidén (Product manager) 8 years ago 0


Added modules IQAN-MC43, IQAN-MC2, IQAN-MC41

Image 547

The IQAN-MC4x series is now added in IQANdesign. These controllers also add two new channel types, current loop inputs (CIN) for 0-20mA sensors, and 0-32V voltage inputs (HVIN).

For details about the hardware, see IQAN-MC4x

See separate forum topic about IQAN-MC43 release. MC4x family ready for production

IO pin number and status in IQAN-MD4 measure group

Image 548

The MD4 measure groups now show module location, pin number and status on the selected item.

IQAN-MD4 issue and recommendation

An IQAN-MD4 bluescreen could occur while measuring if CAN-C/D was heavily loaded. Fixed.

Also added an IQANdesign hint to recommend CAN-A/B on IQAN-MD4 for multi-master diagnostics for best performance. Also see IQAN-MD4 .

For more details on the IQANdesign update, see:
