
Software Roll Back

Nick Pridham 9 years ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 5

Hi, is it possible to roll back from 3.xx to 2.xx. I tried starting in safe mode but this did not work.

The requirement is generated due to working with different clients who are at different stages field software usage. I only have one MDL2 for testing and just wanted to be able to go back and forth with software OS's.



Satisfaction mark by Nick Pridham 9 years ago

Sorry I should have clarified - I want to roll back MDL2 firmware.


Using IQANrun 3.x (or 4.0) you should be able to send a 2.x application (*.ida)

Hi Nick,

I see that you posted this as a helpdesk question and not as a public question. Since it is a general question, is it ok with you to move it to the public part of the forum?