Simulator problem

Krzysztof Bręk 8 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 2

Image 641

I have a problem with my IQAN simulate. When I run my project, aplication showing error problem



I just got your submitted bug report on IQANsimulate. It looks like there is a problem with one of the logs in the MD4 simulator. If you find and delete the log files for the simulated project it should work again. IQANsimulate stores the log files in the following folder:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\IQANsimulate 4\<Project ID>\<Module type-Address>\Logs

- Replace <username> with your windows username

- Replace <Project ID> with the id of your project (can be found in project statistics in IQANdesign)

- Replace <Module type-address> with e.g. MD4-7-0 for and MD4-7 with address 0.

If you want you can submit the log files to us for examination before deleting them (maybe we can get some clues to why they will not load). In that case you can use this link: https://iqan.sharefile.com/filedrop


I just got your submitted bug report on IQANsimulate. It looks like there is a problem with one of the logs in the MD4 simulator. If you find and delete the log files for the simulated project it should work again. IQANsimulate stores the log files in the following folder:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\IQANsimulate 4\<Project ID>\<Module type-Address>\Logs

- Replace <username> with your windows username

- Replace <Project ID> with the id of your project (can be found in project statistics in IQANdesign)

- Replace <Module type-address> with e.g. MD4-7-0 for and MD4-7 with address 0.

If you want you can submit the log files to us for examination before deleting them (maybe we can get some clues to why they will not load). In that case you can use this link: https://iqan.sharefile.com/filedrop