
"compare with" does nothing (V4.05 &V4.06)

Jean-Marc Zanni 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 5

I am not sure If I am doing something wrong, but the "Compare with" in the File menu does not seem to do anything? I click on it it opens the File search box, I select the File I want to compare with and Click OPEN button. The dialog closes then nothing... I stay on whatever page was open before. No comparison box shows up. Any special setting?

Under review

I suspect the compare window position and/or size is messed up some way. Try running this registry file to reset your Windows registry for the compare dialog.


It seems that the comparison function does not work for ids4 files. It only opens for ida4 files.

I guess I missed your answer. Thanks. I will use the Ida4 until this issue is corrected.