
Edit Settings File

Gary Posey 8 years ago in IQANrun updated by chuck streb 1 month ago 3

It would be great to have the capability to edit a settings file.

To edit the parameter's Default and Current settings, while offline and remotely from the controller.

This would permit a large number of parameters to be changed easily, as well to cross check them as all parameters are visible in your spread sheet type of format.

This would give me (the Designer) the ability to send a modified settings file to a service technician in the field to send to the controller. This simplifies the service technicians tasks and reduces entry/adjustment errors at site where he/she may have limited communications with the factory/designer.

I have recently had a problem with an older machine located off shore which is running on Design 2.63. 

I tried to load the application to the simulator, connect to the simulator with Run load a settings fie, alter the settings file, recover the altered setting file from the simulator ,save it (loaded the saved file to ensure the parameter had been altered, it had) then send it to a service guy to load to the machine.

It didn't work?!?

When the settings file was recovered from the machine (after the altered on had been sent and received by the unit OK) the parameter that should have been changed was still as before.

Did I do wrong? or is this something that is blocked?

It would seem to be a good way of achieving this type of alteration.

I would write a compare. but everything in files used is binary making it impossible.

If we could get all parameters in CSV and then write in CSV that would be wonderful. i appreciate you pointing out the IQANSCRIPT but that just adds more work than needed. and cost a bit