Startup image not loaded by sending clone with IQAN run 3

Frank GUO 8 years ago in IQANrun updated 8 years ago 2

Startup image is not loaded after sending clone file to MD3 or MDL2 with IQAN run 3.

When starting a simulation, IQANsimulate 3 does not show the startup image on MD3 or MDL2, but as I understand it, you are sending the clone file to a real master module?

On the first startup immediately following an update, the startup image is not shown. The startup image will be shown after restarting the module by powering it off and back on.

Another reason for not seeing the startup image is if the image does not fit on the screen. In that case, IQANdesign would be showing the warning Image is too big: The selected image exceeds the maximum width and/or height. It may not be displayed.

If that is the problem, then it would not make a difference if the project is sent using IQANdesign or IQANrun.

The start up image has been working for a long time. I only noticed it not showing up recently by sending clone files to a new MD3 or MDL2. Normally, I was sending the project file instead clone file.

And by doing the power cycle does not help.