
2017 Training

Kevin 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 years ago 3

We are keen to be able to attend some IQAN functional safety training if possible. Will there be some running either in the UK or Sweden in 2017?

Will be answered

We have not scheduled any functional safety training for 2017 yet, but if there is more interest I am sure it can be arranged.

(next scheduled training in Sweden is IQAN Creative Studio 4, held on the 21st -23rd of March)

Hello Gustav,

Thanks for your info........I will share

this with our customers

Met vriendelijke groet, With best regards,

Wilfried Grobbink

Wilfried Grobbink

Application Engineer Controls

& Hydraulics - Sales Company The Netherlands

Internet: http://www.parker.nl


I forgot about this question when publishing the new training dates, here:


We will be running a 2-day training on functional safety covering IQAN-MC3, IQAN-MC4xFS and working with the EN 13849-1 standard next month, May 16-17th

There is also a training on IQANscript that same week, May 18th.

More details here:
