MC43 COUT.... V4 limit is 2500mA, but V5 is capped at 2000?
David Holcomb 8 years ago
in IQANdesign
updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago •
Building a project with an MC43.
In design 5, it seems that the limit for a COUT is 2000 mA.
In design 4, i can set it up to 2500 mA.
1. is there something that I'm missing for setting it up to 2500?
2. is there any way to 'parallel wire' and run multiple COUTs?
Customer support service by UserEcho
The MC4x COUT's individually can drive up to 2500 mA, also in IQAN 5, But COUT's are grouped in pairs, combined maximum is then 4000 mA, see MC4x Instruction book Appendix A and description of CAM Outputs, page 39 ev. (Instruction book is included in IQAN 5 )
You cannot pair 2 COUT's in parale to drive one solenoid, as you can with DOUT's (Read instruction manual to discover MC4x In- and Output's flexibility )
Thank you.