
IQAN 5.0 Backwards Compatibility

Chris Litwin 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 1

What is the backwards compatibility of IQAN Design 5, IQAN Run 5, and IQAN Simulate 5? Also, are the previous versions going to continue to be supported?

Satisfaction mark by Chris Litwin 7 years ago

They are all backward compatible, meaning they can open 4.x files (or older) and work with systems running these older versions. IQANrun 5  is compatible with systems down to version 3.00, for older systems you need IQANrun 2 which is available as an optional download when installing IQANrun 5. There is only one feature missing in IQANrun 5 when connected to older systems, the possibility to save or open irf files.

There is no further development on version 4, but it will be maintained for a shorter period with bug fixes when needed.