IQAN LST Wire Colour

Kevin 6 years ago in Levers updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 4
We have some old joysticks that we wish to use for a project, but we suspect the deutsch plug has been rewired from when it was delivered. Can someone confirm the wire colours to the corresponding function? In all the documentation i have come across (installation manual, instruction manual) it shows the pin number and function, no detail about colours so im unable to see if the wiring is correct.

Can anyone confirm the function of each wire colour please?


Under review

Hello Kevin.

  1. GND (Black)
  2. Power 5Vdc (Red)
  3. OUT-A (Yellow)
  4. OUT-B (Orange)

Hi is anyone able to confirm the correct wire colours to functions please?

Under review

Hello Kevin.

  1. GND (Black)
  2. Power 5Vdc (Red)
  3. OUT-A (Yellow)
  4. OUT-B (Orange)