Used MDL2 modules

Pawel Pekala 3 years ago in Master modules updated by Tim 3 months ago 12

I have 4 used MDL2 modules (one with sim port, three without). If you are looking online and can't find them, let me know.

Image 3223

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How much are you asking a piece?

Hi Robert,

We have 2 brand new units @ $6331,36 each 


4 used units @ $4500,00 each.

Hope this helps.

  Hi Pawel, I may be looking to buy a Iqan-Mdl2 with the sim card, Bradwell in Ontario looked at ours and said it wasn't worth fixing. It's at a local circuit board guy now, said he'd try but wasn't sure.

Are you looking to buy or sell?

Good Day Pawel,

How to contact you to buy your MDL2 please?

Let me know.

Thank you.

You can contact me at ppekala@racinerailroad.com

I too have sensibly priced MDL2 and other older iqan hardware available (UK based)

Some boxed new, most have workshop use for development/testing work only- some surface marking but fully working condition.

message any enquiry

andyr do you still have 1 available?

Hi, Any leads where i can buy this? thanks


text your contact details to +447866686435 and we'll reply with offer.

Thanks. I will be in touch shortly