
Make Module Obsolecence Notices Publicly Available!

Justin Wagner 1 year ago updated by Matt 1 year ago 1

It's recently come to my attention that the final order for new XA2 and XS2 modules is this month (January, 2024). This blindsided us, since we never received any warning for this. We were instructed to move to the newer XC expansion modules, but never given a date of when production of these would be discontinued. There was a Parker notice sent out in April, but this never made it to us as an OEM/end user, so now we're scrambling to figure out a strategy for service and replacement of the hundreds of modules we have in the field, if there's any issues in the future. There's not a great way to replace these, especially in systems that use an MD3, since the XC series is only compatible with IQANDesign 6.00+ and the MD3s aren't supported in those newer versions. These MD3 systems will likely require a full controls overhaul due to one faulty module.

Can Parker please post these notices publicly somewhere where end users/OEMs can see these directly from Parker?

Or is there a mailing list that we could sign up for to receive these notices?

Solely relying on vendors to filter out and forward important notices such as this to end users/OEMs is clearly not sufficient.


Would love for there to be a mailing list for obsolescence AND product change notifications.

I only happened to notice the PCN I mentioned in this thread by chance since assemblers are not going to read or notify engineering of leaflets found in the box. https://forum.iqan.se/communities/1/topics/3487-iqandesign-60828-did-not-fix-md4-can-c-d-issues

I only came to know of it because I had spent half a day proving out the wiring and functionality of the attached CAN device before going to replace the MD4, and I happened to grab one which had the leaflet in the box...