LC5 intermittent fast blink no contact error in MC43 system

Rhys Nicholls 1 month ago in Levers / LC5 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 month ago 1


We are experiencing faults across multiple machines with LC5 levers.

The fault presents intermittently as a no contact error, and requires a power cycle to resolve.

The LC5 status light shows a fast blink pattern of 2 yellow, 15 red, then approx 30s of high frequency red blinks. See attached videos (split into 2 parts due to size restrictions). 

The MC43 in the system shows an R3:1 no contact error blink sequence. Please note that the LC5 is connected to our MC43 via an expansion bus connected with CAN-A. Our application cycle time is 20 ms.

The bus CAN-A contains 3 other devices. When the fault occurs, the other devices on CAN-A continue to transmit/receive CAN messages.

So far we have tried:

1. Checking canbus termination: 56 ohms

2. Increasing the polling cycle time from default to 80 ms. 

3. Checking CAN bus utilization. Busload after the of the fault was measured at

approx 36%.

Image 4667

We have also tried to replicate the fault by manually disconnecting power/can from the LC5, with no success.

Can anyone provide more information on the causes and possible solutions for this error?


Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Rhys Nicholls

My recommendation is to check the CAN bus for physical problems. Looking for issues like too long drop lines, lack of termination or over-termination, or large voltage potential differences between nodes. 

Running a trace with a CAN analyzer that counts error frames can indicate problems.