IQANdesign 6.01 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated 5 years ago 0

Version 6.01 is now released on check for updates

Main updates

Telematics support for IQAN-MC4xFS

It is now possible to use the GT gateway together with MC4xFS modules in all system configurations, also when an MC4xFS is the headmaster communicating with the gateway.

Image 1810

Open files in the major version they were saved in

Project files, simulation files and script files opened from Windows explorer are now opened in the mayor version they were saved in (e.g. version 5 files opens in version 5 also when version 6 was installed later)

Works when 6.01 or a future versions is the latest version installed. 

Image 1812

Image 1811

Keypad style adjust for parameters

Same functionality as released in parallel version 5.05

Various fixes and improvements

See release notes for details



