IQANrun 6.08.27 update

Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago in IQANrun updated 2 years ago 0

A new release of IQANrun 6.08 is now available, version 6.08.27

This update solve a bug with adjust, the bug exist in IQANrun versions 6.08.20- 6.08.26. 

See Release notes - IQANrun 6

For user of 6.08.24 and 6.08.26, just run Check for updates to get the latest 6.08. 

The two first 6.08 releases (versions 6.08.20 and 6.08.23) will not find the update via check for updates (explanation here)

If you run one of these versions, instead visit https://www.iqan.se/downloads.html to get the latest 6.08.