Flow Turbine SCFTT CAN implementation
Has anyone tried to implement the Parker Flow Turbine from the SensoControl product range (CAT-4054-UK.pdf (parker.com)I in IQAN?
I have a customer who want to have two turbines on his CAN-Bus for field service. But they can’t do the parametrization which is required at each startup of the turbine.
So my idea is to have an IQAN-Controller (MC41) which starts reading the signals of both turbines. (There is no Service-Master-Plus or other device on the CAN-network to the sensors.)
Data is then send via J1939 to the customers controller.
Is this possible?
The turbines come with their special CAN-protocol from factory.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Interested to hear if this is possible too, we also have a customer after something similar using IQAN and SensoControl equipment.
If you look at the traffic from the SCFTT, you will see it is CANopen based.
So you could probably make an IQAN application to read this on CANopen and send it to the other system using J1939,
I just hooked several pressure transducers and a flow meter up to an MD4 and seems they are set at a specific address by default (SCFTT-015-C2-05 is address 001,SCPT-400-C2-05 is address 001, SCPT-160-C2-05 is address 120, SCPT-016-C2-05 is address 120). I'm assuming the SensoControl unit does something clever by re-assigning addresses as units are plugged in because you can have multiple units on the same bus, perhaps it looks at what the sensor limits are and assigns them a new address. I have not read the CAN traffic but I know they send their data over PDO. Speed is 500kbps.
Is anyone able to provide an EDS file or object dictionary for these units?
After some research and hints from colleagues: There is actually a little solution in IQANdesign for the pressure sensors.
Should work similar for the flow turbines.
Attached are files from the Parker-colleagues from the SensoControl-Team.
CANopen Communication SCFTT-C2-05_20180618.pdf
I will test, as soon I get some sensors on my desk.
Thanks for the information Arno, very helpful indeed.