Force touch number pad for Pin Code Channels
I noticed that for the adjust screens you have implemented a touch number pad to access pin code protected screens in IQAN Design 4.0.
However, for Pin Code Channels, the scroll and select interface for each number is still used.
Any plans to implement the touch number pad for the pin code channel diaglog screens as well?
Customer support service by UserEcho
The keypad style is actually used also when the PIN code is implemented using the PCC channel.
The tricky thing is that there is no property to control if the spinner or the keypad shows up, instead this is selected automatically based on the last input.
If there was an external button control activating the PIN (as it would have to be on e.g. an MD4-5-T0), then the spinner shows up, if there was a touch input, one instead gets the keypad.
In the attached application, one touch button is assigned to open a PCC protected adjust item directly, this gives the result that the keypad is seen.
PIN code example PCC from display page.ids4
Another button triggers a VDIN that in turn s used in the PCC channel function. When the PCC is triggered by its own function, it has no way to know that the showing action was the result of a touch input. We chose the spinner as that works both with external button control and the touch interface.
To force the keypad to show up when it is the PCC function triggering it, a new property or perhaps a variant of the Qshow function that takes this as an argument would be needed.
Currently we are using a VDIN that triggers a PCC function. Once the proper pin code is entered it allows the user to see some maintenance screens that we do not want machine operators to have free access to.
Since we are not linking to an adjust item it defaults to the spinner.
Sounds like in the current configuration there is no way to force a keypad (since we are not linking the a PCC protected adjust item).
Just wanted to make sure I understood correctly.
Also, is this something you would consider for future updates?
"To force the keypad to show up when it is the PCC function triggering it, a new property or perhaps a variant of the Qshow function that takes this as an argument would be needed."
That is right, with current version there is no way of forcing the keypad to appear when triggering the showing function on the PCC.
I think that some method of forcing the keypad style dialog to appear could be a useful addition, it seems to be quite common to use a function to trigger the PCC dialog, so there are probably other users who would like to see this feature also.
I would also like to see something like this happen.
I have an application that I would like to show the Header text of the PCC and a numeric pad show up when the channel is activated. Here is what I photoshopped together.
A similar suggestion about header text for the PIN keypad:
In 6.08, the PCC dialog now support keypad.