
IQAN M43 Error Code: Manual says contact Parker

Barnhart Crane 4 years ago in Master modules / MC4x updated 4 years ago 4

4 red flashes, followed by a yellow flash sequence of 2-2-1-3

This continues to happen when trying to start the engine of the machine. As if maybe the battery voltage is going too low momentarily.

Once in this state, the IQAN module cannot be communicated with using IQANRun 5 and is not operational until powered off then on, but will deliver the above flash sequence. 

Any help would be appreciated.



Please the footnote related to a 4:2 blink code in appendix B of the instruction book.  This is likely a fault caused by extreme voltage caused by cranking.


Please the footnote related to a 4:2 blink code in appendix B of the instruction book.  This is likely a fault caused by extreme voltage caused by cranking.


As Ed wrote, the most plausible explanation for this one is undervoltage while cranking, so check the battery and wiring. Maybe the machine needs a larger wire gauge. 

If it is from undervoltage, you can avoid the 4:2:2:1:3 critical stop if the system is updated to a newer version. See IQANdesign 6.03 release notes on MC4x undervoltage recovery.


Thanks! I was using version 5 so I will go ahead and move to 6 to fix this.