XC4x C1 Harness

Lars Bolduc 10 months ago in Expansion modules / XC4x updated by Markus Seppänen 9 months ago 2


This is a small but frustrating nitpick.

The XC4x C1 Prototyping Harness (Parker no. 20085116) comes with wires installed in the C1:4 and C1:20 position.

This is annoying, because in order to use these modules, you need to install the ID Tag. (Parker no. 20085131 for example)

So every time you use this (expensive) part, you need to de-pin these two wires, remove them from the harness, and install the ID Tag.

Ideally there would be no wires present in these slots.

Like the older style XA2 Prototyping Harness (Parker no. 5030030).


Please contact MFCP (Motion & Flow Control Products) for your needs with break out cables for MC4x/XC4x IQAN devices. We offer them in 1m and 3m lengths. Even offer some of the cables that Parker has discontinued as of recently.


Do you have MOLEX 63813-1400 Extractor tool?

I have found it very convenient to use if I need to remove pins from MX123.

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