Terminated or not address tag

Melker Göransson 3 weeks ago in Expansion modules / XC4x updated 3 weeks ago 2


Where can I read about when to use terminated address tag or not? E.g. 0T and 0 tag? When prototyping discrete resistors may be useful but will it work with just a resistor of correct value? Please advise.


I believe with most master modules (except for MD5) it is irrelevant as to whether you use ID tag with a terminator or not. This is because master module will ignore the 'T' in the address tags because its configurable in the software whether you want to terminate the bus or not. You can still use a 1T for example, however the master module only sees this as 1. Where this is different is on expansion modules or MD5, you need to use an address tag with 'T' to denote the end of the bus (its not configurable in software to terminate internally inside the expansion module or MD5). There are some notes regarding address tags in the MC4x master and XC4x expansion modules installation manual on page 67 of the PDF:


There are some notes from the IQAN Design user manual regarding addressing (accessible from IQAN Design > Help > Contents)

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