Set date/time from IQANrun 7 on module without RTC

A DOMS 1 year ago in IQANrun updated 1 month ago 4

An other bugs, or bad evolution also in IQANrun 7,

I am using two MC43 on my machines, and I know MC43 don't have RTC.

But I added an external RTC to my project, and to set it, I use IQANrun to set Time and Date in my calculator, and then I can send the good Time and Date in my external RTC.

Each time I start my machine, my external RTC set my calculators and they are with the good time and date.

But now, if I understand well, because using MC43 (without RTC), setting Time and Date is not allowed in IQANrun.

Image 3947

I spend hours and hours to make it working :


Converted to separate topic. 

It is still possible to set a date and time in an MC4 module, but the function to do it from IQANrun is hidden for modules without RTC in IQANrun 7.00. 

A workaround to set it from the PC could be to use a script with the Set Date/Time operation. 

Image 3997


It would be easier if you allow to set time and date directly in IQANrun, as in previous version.


I am disappointed you don't change it in 7.0.3


It is really problematic for us to do not be able to set time and date on IQANrun7, hope you will change it in a very soon update of IQANrun