
DM1 Messages

Mark Walser 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Chris Litwin 4 years ago 8 1 duplicate

Has there been any thought for creating a block the just decodes the DM1 messages and put them into an array or other object.  this could then be used to display the SPN, FMI, and occurrence without having to decode each message and display it.  This would be very useful based on the number of DM1 error code that need to be decoded.

  There are other software packages that have create block to handle this for both DM1 and DM2 messages.  They have incorporated an up/down scroll to scroll thru the faults held in a buffer.  You can also clear this buffer but would reload if the engine or other device sends another packet of faults.  It also handle all of the status lights that would need to displayed along with any flashing that would be required.

Duplicates 1
Under review

I know it has been done in some applications using JFIN:s, but I think it would be nice to create a Parker solution that fully integrates with the existing DM1 channel to make it possible to read unknowns SPN:s and handle the blinking lamp statuses. 

If you have the list of SPN for your engine, the most efficient way of building up a solution for known SPN:s with the existing DM1 and SPN channels is to use the spreadsheet import function from version 4.04

If you chose to make your own DM1 reader in the application using JFIN:s, that will ovveride the built-in functionality, so you would loose the DM1/DM2 viewer function in the MD4. But it can be done, there are bits and pieces of information on the forum: 




I made a reference to the DM1/DM2 viewer in the MD4 in my previous reply, but for someone not familiar with that function it might not have been very clear. Here is a description of the existing functionality for DM1 and DM2 viewing in the MD4, that includes up to 10 unknown SPN:s. 


This existing function is quite similar to the description in the idea, but with the difference that viewing is limited to using the menu system. 

Is it possible to have a wrapped text of use multiple lines for the SPN Description?


The SPN channel dialog box will automatically make one line wrap.

The list in the IQAN-MD4 will show one line for each SPN, if the channel name is too long it will cut the last part.


With 6.03 we have two new DM1 features, dialog boxes for undefined SPN:s and a new DM1 log that automatically logs all DTC:s. See forum news post: https://forum.iqan.se/communities/1/topics/2515-iqandesign-603-released


Are we able to view the DM1 log using simulate?



No, IQANsimulate does not have the functionality to simulate this feature, you'll need to run it on a real system to try it out.