
G11 option for connectivity with IQAN Analyze

C. Harp 8 years ago in IQANanalyze 0

I would like to see the G11 module added as a device to connect with via internet through IQAN ANALYZE similar to how RUN and DESIGN currently have the option. This would be a very useful tool for diagnosing issues in the field for customers that have the G11 but do not have a CAN sniffer available. 

The G11 has been a very useful tool for me and i would like to see its capabilities expanded. 


Ethernet CAN Analyze

Joe 1 year ago in IQANanalyze 0

A very useful tool would be to take advantage of the ethernet connection to a master module as a method of bridging to the IQAN Analyze tool. A way to look at all the CAN traffic by selecting a specific bus to monitor would be much easier than connecting to the bus via a CAN adapter.


Add import of dbc file into IQANanalyze for custom decoder into engineering units

Paul Summers 3 years ago in IQANanalyze 0

This would allow for custom decoders and increase usability for people that are not as familiar with hex for diagnostics


IQANanalyze menus and text is very small

Pierre Fagrell 3 years ago in IQANanalyze updated by Michael Carlyle 3 years ago 1

When using a modern monitor the menus and text is very small in analyze compared to design, almost unreadable without magnifying glass.

Here is a picture with them side by side for comparison:

Image 3034

Is there any way to change the scaling?

Windows 11 Pro

Resolution 3840x2160

Scale 150%


Add additional "Save As" formats

Paul Summers 3 years ago in IQANanalyze updated by Pawel Pekala 3 years ago 1

It would be very helpful to add additional export file formats such as .blf or .mdf to allow for a capture to be logged by a field tech or customer that already has IQANanalyze, which then can be imported into more powerful software for detailed review.


IQANanalyze Not Populating all ID's

ksilovich 2 years ago in IQANanalyze updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 5

In the master list of CAN ID's there are alot of them missing, but if you go to filter a message you will find it. And if you select only that message it will appear then. 

Ex 1218 does not exist when you show all ID's, but if I filter 1218 only then I can get the data.

When you are trying to reverse engineer a CAN bus and need to quickly know all ID's that are being broadcasted on the bus, this is a Major issue.  Spent hours wondering why my CAN router was not working, Its because I am missing ID's that I did not know existed. 


G11 IQANanalyze

Chris Litwin 2 years ago in IQANanalyze updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 1

Are there any plans to make IQANanalyze work with the G11?


CANopen decoder missing LSS Layer Setting Service commands

Pierre Fagrell 3 years ago in IQANanalyze 0

It would be useful if the CANopen decoder included some common LSS commands for example change state, node id and bitrate.

Here is an example log with some comments:

Image 2863


MD3 CAN Bus protocol documentation

Bruno Ramos 3 years ago in IQANanalyze 0


Please, where I can find the CAN Bus PGN documentation from MD3 and MC3 ??


Decoding CAN Data from another system

Kevin 5 years ago in IQANanalyze updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 5

Can anyone help me get this information into my system? This is the information i can see in IQAN Analyse, can anyone tell me how to 'decode' this and extract the information inside a module inside IQAN Design please?

Image 2095

Specifically its the highlighted bits of information i need insed my program.


It doesn't look like J1939, it looks like 11 bit identifiers, and all the ID:s look like the CANopen defaults. 

IQANanalyze, switch decoder from J1939 to either Generic or CANopen.