USB Control of Valves in Simulate.

JoeGallimore 4 years ago in IQANsimulate 0

Is it possible to use a USB controller to adjust values in IQan Simulate? 

Ideally I'd like to use a midi fader board like the AKAI APC MINI to adjust certain values, without having to click through groups or separate values. 

Anyone done anything like this in the past? 




Simulate Clone file without any hardware

jan 4 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 4

On behave of service we like to simulate customer Clone files, without any hardware to be easily helpful to our costumer.

This should be able by opening Clone file with Design.

Our multi master application needs all masters in clone file: check.........If not : message -could not open- appears

Clone version, Simulate version and Design version should match: Check

While the Clone file is opening, message setting to default confirmation appears, both options [Yes] or [No],  applied, 

but both options give the same result:

When Design (communication set to [Simulate]) is ready: 

1....Run  [ ► ]  or (F9)   Simulate will boot (Set to [NEW] and ready for simulate:  

Unfortunately all (state parameters) settings are set to default

2....Send Project [ |→] of [F11]:

error -Communication interface error, socket Error # 10061-  appears

To your information: Used software version Design-5.08 and Clone (Run) -5.07 and Simulate -5.08.

Is there a way to Simulate customer Clone file as service wishes ??


Simulations not repeatable

NoePanier 4 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 3


I have been trying to validate some modifications I made on IQAN Design 6.02 with IQAN Simulate 6 but I realized that the simulations were not constant.

I tried to run a Simulation groups on two identicalDesign I copy/pasted so there could be no difference due to data stored but even with that, the data I got from the two simulations were not exactly the same. Usually, both would be very similar, but one would be 50 to 500 ms late from the other, or even sometime skip a data so when I make a checksum of the Mesure group's values in Excel, my results are not the same.

I was wondering if I was doing something wrong or if there was a way to fix it because I would have to validate more modifications like that and it doesn't feel right to have to play with the data to make them fit..

Thanks you.


Possibility to automate test sequence in IQAN simulate using scripts

Manoj 5 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Edward Polzin 5 years ago 1

Hi Edward,

Is there any way to develop a script to automate test sequence in IQAN simulate?

I read that IQAN script tool can be used with IQAN Run to execute sequence of actions in IQAN Run but at present we don't have target hardware hence we need to test logic using IQAN simulate.

Thanks & Regards,



simulator Version problem.

Peter Nyman 5 years ago in IQANsimulate updated 5 years ago 1

When trying to start a simulation i get the following error.
What could be wrong?
I choose 'New simulation'.

Image 2117


Save image from Simulate as PNG

Mark Walser 5 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Pierre Fagrell 3 years ago 2

Is there a way to save an image of display from Simulation as an PNG or SVG.  We would like to use them in our user manual and would allow for a professional looking image.


Import measure file into simulate

Chris Litwin 5 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 2

I've been looking through the IQANSimulate documentation, but it's not clear to me on how to correctly setup and use a saved measure file to rerun in simulator. I have one group of measure files that will rerun in simulator, but some I took after do not work. What I'm trying to do is save a measure file, make changes to the project in design, load the measure and updated project in simulate, and then take a new measure in IQANRun or IQANDesign from it. Are there specific things I need to do in order to make this work every time? 


iqansimulate application logic

David Dufour 5 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 3

Is it normal to lost the application logic with Iqansimulate V6.01.4.4725 ?

If I load a demo with MD3, I can see it, but lost it when trying from a project with a MD4.

So, I'm able to simulate and change values with iQanDesign, but it's not optimal to push values as I only have a slider.

Is it normal ?

Image 1919


Simulator for Ljungbymaskin

Oscar Pantzar 5 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Thomas Moberg (System support) 5 years ago 1

Is there à simulator for drivers meny?


Inconsistent pulse counter behaviour with XC42

Pierre Fagrell 5 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 2

I do not know if this is a bug in the simulator or different firmware behaviour as I don't have the actual hardware to test on yet

If I put a pulse counter on an MC42 and increase with 1 each cycle it will show as 1,2,3 etc in the simulator when Accumulate=Yes

If I point with the mouse pointer the popup shows similar values in both fields

The application seems to use the accumulated value as expected

Image 1771

If I put a pulse counter on an XC42 and increase with 1 each cycle it will show as 1,1,1 etc in the simulator when Accumulate=Yes

If I point with the mouse pointer the popup shows both the incremented and accumulated value

The application seems to use the incremented value

Image 1772

In both tests I have the setting "Full Value Range=Off".

If I turn it on XC42 behaviour changes.