Script for IQANRun for Tablet
Can IQAN script file work on IQANRun tablet? If not, is there any plan to have it in future?

App update for Sync disconnecting
I would like see an update to the sync app that fixes the issue of disconnecting from the G11 device when you switch to a different screen on your phone or tablet. This has become a big issue for us.

IqanSync Trouble
I am an user of IqanSync iOS with G11 on MD3/MC2 and MC42/MD4-10.
I have find some trouble to use when I try to do some diagnostic on very far country over internet, or with poor internet connection.
Issue 1:
When you update over internet ("Connect to machine"), after click on Send machine, on the progress windows you read "Stop application", and you can wait very longtime, because on the mahcine screen there is a message to ask the user (with accept or not). For the technician it will be better to change "Stop application" to "Stop application and wait the acceptance of user".
Issue 2:
It is very very difficult (like impossible) to update the firmware of MD3 and MD4-10 if the connection is poor. It seems that the data is not store on the iPhone before start the update, but send continusly It will be better that :
- 1: IqanDesign/IqanRun send the file to the iPhone,
- 2: the iPhone install the update himself (the update can be finish even if the connection is lost).
Issue 3:
With MD4-10 the file is more than 25 MB, and there no email box can be manage file with this size. I will be better that the firmware is auto-download by the IqanSync Apps (idem for IQANrun), like that we can send just a stripped file.
Issue 4:
If the custommer install the application himself (with a file send by email), it will need the master code. How it is possible to do that without the master code ?

Ability to *GET APPLICATION* from IQAN system with IQANsync and upload it to the dropbox folder
From a service and support standpoint it would be super if a feature was added to the IQANsync software for us to be able to extract the IQAN IDA file from the master module, upload it to the dropbox folder and have it be accessible from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Being able to get an IDA file from dropbox and send it to the master module via IQANsync is very helpful, now we need to be able to reverse this process. Is there any thought for adding this feature in upcoming updates of IQAANsync?.

IQANrun now available on App Store
We are happy to announce the release of IQANrun on App Store. Hurry up and get your copy today, it's offered at a low introductory price for a limited time period.
IQANrun is a user friendly service tool for the IQAN series of controllers and displays. It enables service technicians or machine owners to connect wireless to IQAN modules in their machines, and perform actions such as check system status, view logs, measure in real time and change settings.
System overview
IQANrun is a powerful troubleshooting tool. It features a system overview function, where you quickly find module or I/O related alarms or errors. Here you will also find settings such as date/time and language, and module information such as serial number, software version and more.
View all logs (system, event and statistical) and their content. There is a filter function that lets you find what you're looking for fast and easy. And you can erase the content of a log when needed.
This is a powerful tool when you need to do more detailed trouble shooting, or just want to view the value on a certain input, output or internal channel. All measured values are presented with their corresponding unit and status, or graphically in a line graph.
IQANrun has a unique function for adjusting inputs, outputs and parameters in real time. It is also possible to reset a setting to its factory default value if needed.

Overload. What does it mean?
From time to time on various pieces of our MDL2 equipped machines, we'll get get an "Overload" error on a COUT channel.
The COUT channel connects directly to a 350-650 mA valve solenoid that runs an engine cooling fan.
What exactly does "overload" mean in this context? If a COUT channel is basically a PWM output with current monitoring, how can the controller ever overload the output?
What are the specifics that the controller looks for to register an overload error on a COUT?

Reliability of MC43 Clock (and cycle time)
With a MC43 ECU setted at 20 ms by cycle time
A J1939 frame is sending every cycle with in a byte the data of seconds computed as following
With PCAN-View, i save J1939 Frames during one minute, then i keep only J1939 frame with data on flank (seconds)
It's expected to have 1000ms on each flank of seconds of MC43 Time.
In conclusion, the MC43 cycle time is not equal to 20 milliseconds, why ?
In fact, some operations are based on MC43 Time, and at end of day, the MC43 time is ahead of real time of few seconds.
Best Regards

Minimum system requirements
Is this the most up-to-date system requirements for design, run and simulate version 7? We are specifying a custom build panel PC and need to ensure it will run IQAN Run version 7, the specs below seem quite outdated. Is this the latest minimum?

SV camera mirror variable
Is it possible to have the SV camera mirroring able to be controlled via a variable?
I'm looking at potentially using these cameras but what cameras need mirroring will be inconsistent.
Even if those variables can only be defined in the initialization, it would simplify the integration.

Expected restart interval
In IQAN-MC4x_XC4x instruction book, C4x-SMR-011:A Expected restart interval says
“The module shall only be used in application where it is expected to be shut down or restated within 48 hours after startup”
What will happen if i keep MC43FS ECU running beyond 48hrs?
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