
create new topic at this forum not working properly

Laura 1 year ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 2


When I try to sumit a new topic at this forum and I change the header in the Submit new topic form, the fields to fill in the descripion disappear and the suggested topics appear. There is no possibility to return to the form, only cancel is an option.

You can start over again for describe your problem. This is very annoying

Kind regard


Under review

Multipage Byte Qty

Todd F Reddick 2 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 1

Hi, are you able to expand the # of bytes sent from 42 we are limited to now? The issue with sending individual pages to compensate is that we are limited by buss speed/scan time. My current requirement is over 100 bytes but the project is also expanding. Are you able to get to the 1785 byte limit? 


Canbus Termination Issues.

Andy 3 years ago updated by Doug Coutlee 3 years ago 1

Hi People

A suggestion for evolution of hardware/software to address an issue I have discovered in a specific set of circumstances.

I have a canbus on a MD4 display that has 3 devices on it. 2 are permanently there and the 3rd is a fallback device that may or may not be there depending on circumstances. The 3rd device is a wired remote control and because the wire is an extension of the canbus by its nature it needs to be an end device on the canbus and therefore needs to be properly terminated. If its not on the bus then something else needs to provide termination. I can do that by having a plug in connector that has an epoxied 120Ohm resistor that can be the missing termination when needed, but that is clunky and I really would prefer to not rely on Operators even having to understand what a terminating device is....

If the MD4 display instead of just Yes/No as the choice to terminate the canbus had a couple of alternate options then I possibly could deal with the issue automatically and not require operators to do anything.

One Option would be if the MD4 had an option where we could get it to look at the characteristics of the electrical bus and terminated if it needed terminating. If the MD4 was put on the logical end and an alternate device with termination wired so it extended the bus past the MD4 then such a solution would be electrically correct. If you added the MD4 to the middle of a bus then such a solution would provide correct resistance but would not terminate at the correct location in the bus. So care would still be needed

The second option ( and possibly not a great solution) is to test the potentially unreliable bus to see if a device is present through using a GFIN or J1939Framein to determine if a device is present and then be able to use that to determine if a bus should or shouldn't be terminated programmatically...The issue is of course if the device is present but due to badly terminated bus doesn't respond or isn't heard to respond then.......

Anyway, in my case I believe Option 1 would be a great solution, when the 3rd device is present the MD4 ends up being midbus and when looking at impedance would see the correct 60ohms and not terminate. if it wasn't present the MD4 would be at the end of the bus and would see 120Ohms at the far end and would terminate correctly. The only issue I can forsee is that such an approach cant be a one time check at powerup becuase what happens if its added after the initial check is done.....

Anyone got any thoughts or a different approach that I should take?



IQAN training courses 2022

Thomas Moberg (System support) 3 years ago updated 2 years ago 6

Here are links to the scheduled IQAN training courses for machine designers in 2022

IQAN training schedule US

IQAN training schedule Sweden

-IQANdesign training including IQANsimulate and IQANrun

-IQANdesign online training including IQANsimulate and IQANrun

On request.

-Functional safety with EN 13849-1 and IQAN-MC4xFS



Project File Upload Method

Barnhart Crane 4 years ago updated by Lars Bolduc 4 years ago 4

We've been using IQAN products for a decade now. Early on, I remember reading on here that USB was a somewhat unreliable way to transfer project files to modules so we've always used a USB-to-CAN device. 

Ideally, putting either an ethernet or USB connector on a machine and not needing the USB-to-CAN device every time a project file needs to be uploaded would be ideal.

Have things changed? How are most people doing this?


Firmware Resources and G11

lbartik 5 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 19

Transferring firmware resources with the G11 is impractically slow.  Is there any way to view the firmware resources within or required by an IDAX file?  I would like to make revisions that are deliverable by G11 with minimal to no firmware migration.

When I send an IDAX file to the field, I would like to be confident of how long it should  take to perform.  Stopping an upgrade in-process, once it has been initiated, does not seem like a safe method to cancel and recover the previous software.  I am concerned about having a battery go dead during an update or a mechanic being pulled off the job and turning a machine into a brick.

I do not understand what triggers the upgrade/replacement of firmware resources, if it is application-specific, or strictly tied to IQANdesign major/minor versions?

Under review

Reference channel

Kevin 5 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 4

We have customers that frequently remote onto machines using IQAN Run Pro for tablet to adjust parameters in the system. When  adjusting the parameters, the reference channel is not displayed making it a very slow process as they have to go into measure then back to adjust groups to fine tweak.

The reference value works in IQAN Run for windows as shown, is it something i am doing wrong as I cannot get it to display on the tablet version? 

Windows displaying reference channel:

Image 1906

Tablet version with no 'live' reference value:

Image 1907


MD4 - Axis P7214 Encoder

Jimmy Sheen 5 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 1


As Axis is obsoleting P7214 and replaced with P7304. 

IQAN MD4 is now not streaming (showing connecting/connected & keep looping) with the exact setup we had previously with P7214.

I am wondering if there is any other Encoder that has been successfully work with MD4.


Whats happened to the remote option on IQAN Run for tablets?

Kevin 5 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 12

We used to have a remote login option so somebody who had IQAN Run Pro on a tablet could access a machine at another location through IQAN Sync. Now we seem to have just WIFI or Bluetooth, no remote. Running IQAN Run Pro 6.00.8. Is there something I am missing?


Last IQANsync (on Apple Store or Google Play Store) not supporting 6.00 applications

Olivier Cote 6 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 3 1 duplicate

Hi, I tryed to open a 6.00 MD4 application on Androïd and Iphone IQANsync as well to send it through a G5-Bluetooth modem and the IQAN file wasn't supported by the phone application. Are you expecting to provide a new mobile app on one or the other platform soon ?
