

mgoutier 6 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 5

It would seem for the past 2-3 months the MD4's I have been receiving have had much worse touch sensitivity that before. I find my self-touching a button multiple times before it actually recognizes it. I am indoors when this is happening so I do not think this is a cold weather issue. Has anyone else been seeing this issue?


IQANsync available as beta test for Android

Johan Lidén (Product manager) 9 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 18

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Use this link to try out the beta version:


Limitations in the beta version

- Send project/clone

- Cannot send password protected projects
- Cannot send if master address does not match application
- Cannot send incomplete clone file
- Cannot send to incomplete system (ie not all masters found)
- Cannot send project file that would downgrade CAN

- PIN code protected logs can not be downloaded

Product Launch planning

Final version on Google Play in September 2016


Battery powered travel router is useful for connecting to MD4 using WiFi.

Ken Larsen 9 years ago updated by Jeff huntington 9 years ago 1
We have tried the Aukey PB-W2 (discontinued) and Aukey PB-W3. Just attach to the C3 ethernet port and turn on, no configuration is needed. Connect your laptop to the Aukey wireless network and you can do diagnostics from the ground instead of climbing in the machine cab.

IQANConnect for batch updates

mdaigneault 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 9

Hello IQAN Team,

We will be deploying many units to different locations, all of the same product. We would like to explore the possibility for batch updating of the IQAN software via the IQANConnect interface. Today, for updates, we will have to manually connect to each system, one by one, while it is online and not in function, to update it. This is ok for 1 or 2 units, but not optimal for 100s of units that must all be updated.

What we'd like, is the possibility for the system to "auto-update" when we have a new IQAN software version available and X and Y conditions are met (system is not operational, HW matches the SW we are pushing, etc).

I understand that IQANConnect was not designed in this way, but we are exploring how this can be done, either with Connect or another app, and what are your thoughts on this. Today, all our MD4 controllers will have access to the internet via their ethernet port.

Thanks for the excellent support.

Marc Daigneault.


Ability to run system recovery from md4

Tuomas 7 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 11

In case where you have to change new module (like mc4x) to multimaster system, then you have to reinstall program. If customer doesn't have IqanRun or IqanSync (what is not good for installation), you have to send service man to do this. If there would be an ability to run system recovery (reinstallation) from MD4, then customer could do this by himself.


CurrentOut PWM Frequency should allow Variables to be used as values

Jack Bowis 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 0

I'm designing an IQAN program to control the test stand at my company. We have a set of seven types of valves that we will actuate using Deutsche Connectors attached to the sections, and potentiometers varying the output. The different valves that we will be testing require different PWM frequencies, so I went into the COut dropdown window and found the PWM Frequency property, which has a range of acceptable integer values from 25 to 335.

I wanted give the user the ability to select which valve was being used at the time, and change the frequency of COut, so that any deutsche connector could be used for any any valve. I started creating a nested set of timers to simulate a PWM duty cycle, but eventually I dropped it and settled for dedicated output ports for each valve, on the grounds that the better functionality wasn't significant enough to warrant the investment of time and energy.

However, the improvement would take almost no time or energy if I could simply set the PWM frequency of the COut pins to the value of a variable, rather than a constant. I can see no reason why this should not be possible, and it would make ideas like this one easier to implement.


IQANrun 3 Free app available on App Store

Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 10 years ago updated 9 years ago 17
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IQANrun takes the first step to mobile devices. With this free version you can perform some basic functions like, viewing system status, logs, measure and adjust.
Today the app works with IQAN-MD4 and basically it allows you to do the same things as you can do in the IQAN-MD4 systems menu.
Future releases will come with Android versions and Pro versions will include more functionality such as SW update, settings viewer, save logs and graph measure.

Please see the attached presentation and press release for additional information.
Press release - IQANrun 3 Free.pdf
Presentation - IQANrun 3 Free for tablets.pdf

Image 18

Get logs without additional hardware or licenses

Ville Laine 3 years ago updated by Mack 3 years ago 1

I would like to see a tool or some way to get the logs from the controller without additional hardware or licenses.

Just thinking that we should be able to get the needed logs out from the system without additional costs and harware.

We have an external reporting application that needs log files as an input.

This Reporting application is used by end customer and it makes no sense to purchase IQANRun license to every customer that needs this reporting.

I think the easies way would be make an program that is just script engine and just performs the scripts without the IQANRun.

This way we can invoke that script engine from our software to do needed actions. I know this can be done starting IQANRun silently, but it still needs that license.

Or even if we can get the API for integrating needed feature to our reporting program that would be the best solution I think.


Premature "no contact" error between MC43 and MD3

minh lam 4 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 1

We have a system that utilizes an MD3 inside the cab and a MC43 installed outside of our cab. Both are controlled by 2 separate relays to turn on power, one inside the cab the other outside. We are receiving a no contact error upon start up and we suspect this is because of maybe a timing issue of the 2 separate relays turning the modules on. Is there anyway to suppress the no contact error for a period of time at start up?


Flash Complete Multimaster Project Over Ethernet Without Using The Diagnostic Bus

Nick Pridham 5 years ago updated by Mark Bevington 5 years ago 1

Are there any plans to enable the complete flashing of a multimaster project over ethernet ? For large multimaster projects, file handling times are now taking many minutes due to the diagnostic bus bottleneck. I have an application where I want to plug an MD4 and MC43 into a switch, plug the PC into the same switch and then flash both masters over ethernet.