
IQAN training schedule 2017

Gustav Widén (System support) 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Tim P Harris 7 years ago 2

These are the IQAN training's currently scheduled in 2017:

IQAN trainings US, with trainings on IQAN Creative Studio

IQAN trainings Sweden, with trainings on IQAN Creative Studio, functional safety and IQANscript

IQAN trainings Netherlands, with scheduled trainings on IQAN Creative Studio, and IQAN Active studio on request.


security level for "unrestricted clone"

GPARRY 7 years ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 9

Iqan Run clones no longer pull settings I think a clone should be exactly that an identical copy of the software your cloning.

I would like a clone to pull settings regardless of security level

we set OEM settings at the factory and our dealers have less privileges so when they clone a display and send it to a new one none of the settings go with it

we really need a clone to be exactly the same!

This may be a long shot:

Memorizing channel values timer channel values excreta pulled into the clone


Accelerometre sensor


For next generation of product, do you think it is possible to integrate in MDxx, MCxx :

  • acceloremetre and gyroscoque (a few $ ship)
    • track accident, shock
    • track machine turning (during an accident)
    • track direction change
  • GPS (a few $ ship)
    • speed
    • height
    • real time (can be use for backlight night and day)
  • Bluetooth and wifi
    • bluetooth : same use than G11
    • wifi with convert of TCP <-> canbus to use external device.

What do you thinks ?



State Picker in MD4

Fredrik Forsberg 8 years ago in IQANdesign 0


It would be nice to be able to change the design of the State Picker for MD4.

For example:

  • Text size
  • Font options
  • Border options
  • Colors options
  • To be able to use pictures/symbols instead of using text.
  • To be able to remove or change the big dot inside the State Picker.


Fredrik Forsberg


CRC Parameter

chuck emmons 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Anders Båth 7 years ago 14 1 duplicate

Is there a way to calculate an 8 bit crc for all of the parameters in a frame?


IQANrun feedback and missing feature from earlier versions

Fredrik Forsberg 8 years ago in IQANrun updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 6 years ago 2
  • Measure groups has to be set in IQANdesign before measuring in IQANrun. You cannot make your own measure groups in IQANrun anymore and thats a step backwards as it was a nice feature often used when troubleshooting/analysing machines.
  • Auto scale scales all the curves in different scales. The curves does not gets the same scaling.
  • Possibility to reverse the zoom steps is missing in graph.
  • Filename not visible on saved measurement when looking at a graph.


Adjust group default values

mgoutier 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 8

It would be nice if the software allowed us to tailor what we wanted to see inside each of the adjust groups.

Example: If I wanted to see the default value of an adjust item but did not care to see the order in which it was in I would just right click order and select default value... or if i wanted it to show just the name min mix default value and step size...

The default value is the big one though.. right now for me the fastest way to check all my defaults is to simulate the program and go to the adjust groups and run down what all my defaults are to make sure they are what I want them to be.


Machine Number Identification

Alex 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 8 years ago 1


Recently I had an issue where code meant for machine A was uploaded onto machine B, and machine B was able to halfway function. To prevent this issue in the future, I want to have some sort of identifier that the MD4 or MDL2 can read and either continue running or throw a message saying "Incompatible Code" and quit.

So far I have thought of a few possible solutions. If possible, I would like to do this over CANbus so I don't use up input pins.Ideally, it would be nice to have a module that broadcasts a serial number or identifier over CANbus that the MD4 can read and compare to a list of acceptable machines. Another idea would be to have the MD4 check a certain "identifier" module's address and only run the code if it can find it. Worse case scenario, we can use some sort of hardware tag, like a resistor, to send a voltage to one of the input pins.

Since I am a novice with IQAN software, I am curious if you have any better ways to do this. How would I implement such a feature?

Thanks for any help, I appreciate it!

Under review

Array issues / improvements

Rick 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 months ago 4

Since there are no DM1/DM2 blocks to send out 1 or more faults yet, (hint!), I'm trying to implement it myself, using Array blocks. It works, BUT:

- No Array support on MC3 (for safety reasons? why?)

- No looping or "Add" functions to construct the list dynamically

- Arrays are Float by nature. This is inaccurate for 32 bit UINT DTC codes. Would be nice to have a integer (and if doing it anyway, a boolean) variant

- Ability to fill/insert/operate an Array from another block ("adding itself to the list")

Biggest problem is the MC3, where more than 50% of the CPU is currently spend on sending out DM1 & 2 messages. Which is obviously way overkill, but I don't see ways to do it more efficiently with the available tools.


Select multiple channels in IQANrun

DavidH 9 years ago in IQANrun updated 7 years ago 10
Is there be a way to select multiple measure items while viewing measure group data in IQANrun using left mouse and shift or ctrl keys? When I want to isolate just a few items, or turn all on or off, I have to pick each one at a time.