
CAN transceiver reset

Olivier Cote 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 5

CAN bus latched failure status doesn't allow normal working before eather a software reflashing or a power reset. It's just unacceptable that the device crash and there is no way to reset it softwarely or even have this feature build-in in the low level firmware layers. Every other components can achive that "return to normal state" when the fault disappears. 

We tested it today by shorting can bus conductors together. We where expecting that disabling and re-enabling components would get them "back to life" for the Parker IQAN system. Finally not, the bus error stays (bus-off), other components of the system (Motors, battery and controllers) get back to normal state and keep "talking" despite IQAN MC43-FS device is still flagging "Timout" on their Can messages and "No Contact" on Can its message outputs.

It's major ! With actual safety related involvment ! 

By chance, that time it happened on a charging infrastructure so while the vehicle where immobilized, but what could we do if an error occures while the vehicle is circulating on the highway ?! It's just not acceptable to permanently lose power (by controlling a drivetrain) while the error / fault is gone. It must have a way to reset the bus !

Image 3416

Image 3417

Thanks for following-up !


General html links in IQANscript

EmilFernlund 2 years ago in IQANscript updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 10 months ago 3

Would be great to be able to include links in the script.

For example:

<a href="mailto:email@example.com">Send Email</a>


<a href="C:\IQAN\foldername">Open folder</a>

To help the user find clones or reports and send emails.


Simplified IQANdesign renewal

Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated 2 years ago 0

Simplified IQANdesign renewal

The IQAN store “IQANdesign update subscription” is being replaced with a new option, IQANdesign license renewal.

Renewal gives the option to use your latest license number to purchase a new IQANdesign license (80% off), valid for updating to all IQANdesign versions released within 12 more months. 

This is the same price as the previous subscription, but without the need to sign up beforehand and having emails from the store with reminders.

Manage license in IQANdesign

Two new release versions of IQANdesign are now available:

IQANdesign 6.08.25 and IQANdesign 5.08.2

In these versions, there is a new menu item:

Help > Manage License

Image 3347

Manage License lets you view the full license number and enter a new one. If the current license is too old to install the latest updates, a link to IQAN store for IQANdesign license renewal is shown:

Image 3348


Update through help - check for updates serveraddress

Andre van der Heide 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated 2 years ago 2


Inside the IQAN software there`s the check for updates option in the HELP menu. Our company has installed a new firewall and now updates are blocked. Can You tell me the serveraddress / port I have to whitelist to get these updates going again?

Thanks in advance,

André van der Heide

Under review

Small gui improvements IQANdesign

Pierre Fagrell 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 1

I have a couple of small requests to make usage easier.

When doubleclicking for example in a name field with two words it selects the 1 word you clicked on.

In other Windows programs or in this forum for example, triple clicking selects all words in the field/row, that would be handy to have in IQANdesign aswell. Especially when creating new channels with long default names like "Dual Direction Math" or when creating many states/text parameters for engine fault codes.

When clicking on a state function the last selected tab/state is shown, the name does not have a box around it so you can edit the state function name.

If you click on a state name then it gets a small gray box around it and you can edit it's name.

If you create a new state the name does have the small gray box around it, but if you type in a new name you will edit the name of the entire state function, this is opposite to the behaviour above.

Under review

Flashing Issues when 500kbps Bus Exists in System

Jason H 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated 2 years ago 5

We have been seeing issues when sending projects to IQAN modules when a mix of 250kbps and 500kbps baud rates exist on the same module.  

In our case, we have a multi-master system with (2) MC43 modules.  The diagnostic bus on CAN-A for both at 250kbps.  The modules are addressed as 0 and 1.  The 0 address module has all CAN bus speeds set at 250kbps.  The 1 address module has all CAN bus speeds at 250kbps, with the exception of CAN-C as 500kbps.  CAN-C is connected to a truck engine bus that continues to communicate during the flashing process (data is always present on CAN-C whenever the MC43 is powered on).  

When we attempt to send a project, the flashing process stalls once the module with a 500kbps bus is updated.  This happens very regularly, and happens with IQAN Design 4, IQAN Run 4, IQAN Design 6, and IQAN Run 6.  The process seems to get to the point where the 500kbps module is updated, but can't proceed to any additional modules in the system or finalize the process.  This is very troublesome when remote flashing system updates via IQAN Go.  Disconnecting the 500kbps bus prior to flashing does allow us to avoid this issue, but this step is often forgotten about by our service techs.

Is there a reason that the system stalls/errors out when flashing master modules with a mix of baud rates? 


Auto-Sort Channels In Application Logic

Dharper 2 years ago in IQANdesign 0

Feature request for "Auto-Sort Channels" In Application Logic

Feature request to add an "auto-sort" or "auto-stack" option with selected channels in Application Logic view. A simple action, maybe in the right-click options. Something that will stack the selected channels one on top of the other. Instead of having to click and drag each channel (in the case there are many channels).

Just a thought :)


How to replace a master module in an existing project

Samuel Pittet 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated 2 years ago 2

Hi, I have a project built around a MC43. I would like to copy this existing project and replace the MC43 with a MC43-FS. How this can be done within IQANdesign?


IQANgo 6.08

Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago in IQANgo updated 2 years ago 3

Support for IQAN-G12

The IQAN-G12 is a new version of the G11 CAN-Bluetooth adapter, with increased speed, range and enabling enhanced security.

Image 3004

IQAN-G12, next version of CAN to Bluetooth gateway

Pairing with G12

When connecting to an IQAN-G12 for the first time, pairing is required.

Image 3005

In systems created with IQANdesign 6.08 or newer, pairing enable and passkey is controlled by IQANdesign properties. See IQANdesign 6.08 news post. If the IQAN-G12 is used in a system with 6.07, the passkey is all zeroes but pairing is only temporary.

GUI improvements

Send to machine, Send button is moved to the line with the selected file.

Image 3006

Send to machine confirmation dialog now show firmware versions of both file and the system that is about to be updated.

Image 3008

Android specific updates

Increased minimum version

Minimum android version is increased to Android 9. Users of Android 7 and 8 can continue to use IQANgo 6.07.

Export file and Import file in Files manager task menu

Image 3009

With Import file, one or more files in a folder or another app such as Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive can be selected.

With Export file, the selected file can exported to the Downloads folder on the device.

iOS specific updates

Shortcut to the Files app added to the Files manager.

Available on Google Play and Apple App Store

IQANgo - Apps on Google Play

IQANgo on the App Store (apple.com)


Get logs without additional hardware or licenses

Ville Laine 3 years ago updated by Mack 2 years ago 1

I would like to see a tool or some way to get the logs from the controller without additional hardware or licenses.

Just thinking that we should be able to get the needed logs out from the system without additional costs and harware.

We have an external reporting application that needs log files as an input.

This Reporting application is used by end customer and it makes no sense to purchase IQANRun license to every customer that needs this reporting.

I think the easies way would be make an program that is just script engine and just performs the scripts without the IQANRun.

This way we can invoke that script engine from our software to do needed actions. I know this can be done starting IQANRun silently, but it still needs that license.

Or even if we can get the API for integrating needed feature to our reporting program that would be the best solution I think.