Lose ability to scale and zoom measure files when saved and opened later
When you first take a trend using measure in IQANRun 7.01, you have access to a menu with the features:
- Show status bar
- Zoom to extend
- Auto Scale Split
- Auto Scale Join
- View Cursor Range
- Comment
This menu goes away when you open a measure file that was saved. This makes analyzing measure files later very difficult.
Copy info from iQanRun
It would be nice to be able to select and copy the info of the hardware and software in iQanRun for my own documentation.
Its easy to make a type fault if you want to save the info for future reference.
Just an idea.
Add file name in top of the window
Please display the file location string and file name in the top of the window as in iqan design and most of all other softwares. Helps when analyzing .irm files and when doing screen shots of them for documentation purposes
Refresh adjust group when parameter changed
When I change a parameter in a adjust group and another parameter his visability is depending of that parameter the parameter that should become visable is nog visible yet.
Please refresh the adjus group when the first parameter is changed.
Now we have to leve the adjust group and enter it agian.
In the menu of te masters it is working perfect.
IQANrun 7 "Add to multimeter" missing
Will the "Add to multimeter" function be added to IQANrun 7?
It was a very useful to be able to create Measure groups on the fly. Now we are forced to create a new Measure group in the application and update the machine.
Reliable software updates in field
We are starting to get a large fleet of equipment out in the field. currently to update a md4/mc43 pair we need to wire to the md4 and push the software. This is not convenient because the machines are all over USA. When I use the G11/12 locally we may get 7 of 10 to complete and update, the other 3 lock up the md4. Doing an update remotely i think would be asking for trouble. is there an easy way to push updates to people? currently the reliability isn't there. Thanks
IQANRun 7.01 Measure Statistics doesn't appear to work
The Statistics Window of IQAN Run 7.01 Measure screen doesn't appear to work.
I would expect the Value 1, Value 2, Min Value, Max Value. Peak to Peak, Rise Time, and Mean Value would populate when you select a signal in the Graph Items Window.
These values always remain 0
IQANRun 7.01 should autosafe measure files somewhere if you hit record
The Record button is too close to the menu button you need to access to save.
If you accidentally click record again after stopping a measure, your measure file becomes lost.
Two possible solutions to this could be to autosave the measure files in this scenario, or prompt the user asking if they'd like to save the current measure before moving forward.
Customer support service by UserEcho