
add ctrl + J function to IQAN RUN and allow to unselect show all references

GPARRY 10 years ago in IQANrun updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 3

IQAN Run Glitch?

Kevin 10 years ago in IQANrun updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 10 years ago 5
When we use remote access to a machine with a G2 modem and adjust variables IQAN Run crashes 50% of the time. It seems to change the adjust but when clicking on adjust button on the left after setting the new parameter it crashes IQAN Run completely?

Software Roll Back

Nick Pridham 9 years ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 5

Hi, is it possible to roll back from 3.xx to 2.xx. I tried starting in safe mode but this did not work.

The requirement is generated due to working with different clients who are at different stages field software usage. I only have one MDL2 for testing and just wanted to be able to go back and forth with software OS's.

