
password creation at IQANRun 6.08

Petra 11 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 1

Our service computer with IQANRUn is defunct and we received new one. But the new computer with IQANRun is without any password stored. How do I generate new password in the program? There is no possibility to get it from the old computer so I cannot get the iqd file. Unfortunately this basic problem is not explained anywhere here.


IQANrun 7.00 - Bugs report

A DOMS 11 months ago in IQANrun updated 2 months ago 18


In IQANrun 7, in my adjust group to set current values,

If I select "Positive Direction" or "Negative direction" under MIN CURRENT, I have an error message, when clicking in an other parameter. I have to click cancel or done on the right side of the screen to get out, even when I didn't change anything.

As you can see here, I have my value set to 300mA and I didn't changed it, so I have this error message.

Image 3946

Because if I select "Positive Direction" or "Negative direction" under MAX CURRENT, or START SLOPE, or STOP SLOPE, I haven't any error message when clicking in an other parameter.

It's much better without error messages !


IQANrun7.00 - Logging ID not auto filled when starting to type the username

A DOMS 11 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 months ago 4


Just start to use the new version of IQAN 7.00.

In IQANrun7, when you want to loggin, if you start to type an ID saved, it didn't appear like in the older versions of IQANrun.

For exemple, if I type juste the letter E 

in IQANrun7 nothing appear :

Image 3939

in IQANrun6, the ID is automatically filed :

Image 3940

A new good thing is, it keep the last ID used filed.

But when you are changing between several ID to check if everything OK during developpement, it will be a lack.

If you can put back this function, it would be very nice !


Iqanrun6 and 7 Password request to upload new project file

Matt B 11 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 1

trying to upload a parameter change file from factory to a module. I click send file using version 7 or new project using version 6. Both prompt for password as soon as I select file. I have another technician using same process and no prompt for password. There shouldn't be a password.


IQANrun license/internet issue

Roger Soper 11 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 3

I am failing to Connect to IQANconnect Server when trying to connect to remote. I have full internet access and can browse web pages correctly, but  it appears the license cannot pull correctly. Internet Connection is working and no proxy is required.


Cant extract clone from iqan run 2, with windows 10

Daniel Nilsson 12 months ago in IQANrun updated 11 months ago 2

Hi, i cant extract clone from mdl-1 or mdl-2 unit with iqan run 2 under windows 10. I know that other persons on my company has the exact same issue. But if i use same iqan run 2 software with windows 7 it worx. Any ideas on how to solve this? by the way i can extract settings but not clone. In the middle of the extraction process (in win 10) i get connection lost.



Measurement deleted when IQANgo disconnects from IQANrun 7

Pierre Fagrell 12 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 12 months ago 3

I have a customer connected with IQANgo to a machine with G11. I connect remotely from IQANrun through the servers and start measurement in a measure group.

This measurement could go on for several minutes in order to capture an intermittent problem.

If the machine shuts off or the phone gets disconnected from the Internet I get the following message:

"Connection Lost"

Image 3896

I try to click the menu button for saving but nothing happens.

As soon as I click OK in the dialog box all measurement data is deleted and IQANrun goes back to the start screen.

Image 3897


iqan run subscription

chuck streb 1 year ago in IQANrun updated 1 year ago 4

where can i go to update my iqan run subscription. i am having difficulty finding the link.


Iqan Run Icons and symbols Legend

Lessard Sylvain 1 year ago in IQANrun updated by Thomas Moberg (System support) 1 year ago 1

We are to develop a training dedicated to technicians using Iqan Run in service.

May we get a legend, or a chart describing each icons and symbols seen in Iqan Run?
(See Picture attached)

We are not referring to programmed HMI, only when using the application logic viewer.

In Iqan Run pdf manual, there was minimal information, whereas Iqan Simulate and Iqan Design documentation, these icons and symbols are only detailed as the software is presented, or some are not shown at all.

Usually, a legend or a chart is produced when symbols are to be used. 

Thank you very much!

Parker IqanRun Icons.PNG


ircx and irsx files

chuck streb 1 year ago in IQANrun updated 6 months ago 3

So I have two file with little information about them. I know I can copy a clone of a program from a machine with Parker ECU's. So now I have a copy, does it come with the parameters? or not?  When I go to open it in design it asks "Do you want to import the setting in the clone file to the application default? What exactly does that mean?  also I can download  irsx files, I believe these are the parameter files. I know I can overwrite the parameters with IQANRun. I need a detailed explanation of these files as I know they are extremely important and should always be downloaded as back up else you loose your parameter. Thank you