Feild Upgrades !

chuck streb 2 months ago in IQANrun updated by Anders Olsson 2 months ago 7

I am circling back with this subject ! Even with IQANGO and IQANRUN, I am not confident I will not crash when remoting in for an upgrade. Out of 4 field upgrades, I have had 2 failed attempts. That's not a great record. 1 of those attempts when i started over actually recovered.  WE NEED A SECURE WAY OF UPDATING MACHINES. I would love to send a dongle that plugs into a USB port. We have over 65 machines in the field , it is cost prohibitive to go out into the field and update. Please , Please, Please think of a way to do this !  down load the entire program first, checksum it with a hash function, then install. Something. 




parameter file help

chuck streb 2 months ago in IQANrun updated by Anders Olsson 2 months ago 2

Greetings All,

I would like better control of parameters in parameter file, please!

When I have a new machine and want to put parameter file on an old machine, the parameter file will overwrite everything.

There are a lot of calibrations and things like memory channels  i don't want over written.

What next? I download a clone, then save this as a project with current values as default, then send project to old machine, the defaults will be placed in areas that do not have values (new parameters). ALMOST there. The problem is if we have changed default values in program to make machine better, they will not replace old machines values.  So there is no great way of updating older machines and keeping some values protected.    I would recommend  the the parameter program have ability not to program certain parameter values like calibration and memory values, also have the ability to over write parameter values in older program where values have changed. And finally some way to compare variables easily. It isn't that easy at the moment. We need to compare a parameter file with a clone file. Then get out of program and on a machine to change them. I would like to change all the variables at my desk, blocking and forcing values too. This is not easy to explain to tech out in the field what exactly is going on with variable.  If you could allow us to have access to the variable files in a non-binary way. a text output and text input, I could write this software quickly. Right now I have to cringe when I need to have techs go into iqango or iqanrun to fix multiple variables.  It also can cause issues with flaky machine control. Thanks


Under review

When trying to measure with IQANRun 7, no items show up in measure groups

705David 2 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 weeks ago 10

If I open a measure group in IQANRun 7, no items show up in most of the measure groups. if Items do show up, it is not a complete list.

If I open the same measure group in IQANRun 6, all of the items I am trying to measure are present. This appears to be a bug since the release of 7.0.4


Error occurring during install IQANRUN6.08 SetupIQANRUN2.exe

Jon G 3 months ago in IQANrun 0

Customer is having an error while installing newly purchased version of IQANRUN6.08.  The installation errors out when it tries to access the internet to download the setup files for IQANRUN2.  

The customer should not need this so I am going to have them unselect this option, but something in the installer or location of this file is broken.


IQANrun 7 installation

Stéphane LL 3 months ago in IQANrun updated by Thomas Moberg (System support) 3 months ago 5

I tried to install IQANrun with an administrator account, and i registered the license. But the license is not shared with the other local user accounts on the same PC. We have many users who share the same PC. How do I install the license without having to activate the license in each user account ? Thank for your help.


Enabled adjust item but locked anyway?

Jean-Philippe 4 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 months ago 1

I have this external function that, for an obscure reason, is not allowing the adjust items from being modified. I created new adjust groups in the main project with the same adjust items and they are still locked. I created new adjust items from scratch in the external function and they also show as locked, even though they are set to Enabled (as shown).
Is there a way to disable ALL adjust items from an external function? I feel like there is a hidden property somewhere that needs to be toggled that I can't see.
I'm currently working with IQANDesign, I also checked release notes up to latest IQAN7 and could not find anything related to a known bug solved in more recent releases.



Image 4612

Image 4613

Under review

Unable to get clone: request rejected by master module

Matt 4 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 months ago 1

We are having issues in the field with some of our service groups not being able to pull clones from our machines. I have attached a photo I was sent from the field. The machine in question has a MD4 [0] and two MC43s [1&2].

The program was installed using design 6.08.30. They are using Run 6.08

They have also tried using run 7 to pull the clone with the same results. Is this a bug or do we need to adjust a setting somewhere?

Image 4601


IQANrun 7 copy mode

Ian W 5 months ago in IQANrun updated 4 months ago 2

Was the "Copy From Mode" feature removed from IQANrun7 or was this just moved somewhere else?

In IQANrun6 there are 3 options at the bottom of an adjust group, including "Reset Group", "Set Default" and "Copy From Mode" as shown below.

In IQANrun7 for the same adjust group I only see these two options in the menu.

Under review

Cannot pull a clone

Bobby 5 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 months ago 4

I have field service trying to get a clone off a multi master system with a MD4-7 and MC43.  Both are powered up and they are connected on the programming port on the MD4 using an ethernet connection.  It eventually stops and displays the following error message.  What would cause this?  Is there a way to fix it?

Image 4570