
MD4 keyboard backspace too small

Hugo Giroux 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 2

The MD4 on screen keyboard has a really small backspace button that makes it hard to use. Is this a bug? Is there a way to make it bigger?

Thank you.

Image 2347


IQANdesign 6.03 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Steven Yang 3 years ago 2

Feature highlights

J1939 DM1 log

Image 2194

There is a new DM1 log item that can be included in an event log. DM1 log item logs diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) received by a DM1 channel. For each DTC a record will be written in the log with SPN, FMI and occurrence count.

Image 2195

If there is a corresponding SPN channel connected to the DM1IN channel, clear text name is also included.

Shown unknown SPN in dialog

Image 2197

The IQAN-MD4 can now show a dialog message for unknown SPN channels, reducing the need to define individual SPN channels. Controlled by property Dialog for unknown SPNs on the DM1IN channel.

Image 2198

To use the feature but suppress some specific individual SPNs, add these as a SPN channels and set dialog property to Don’t show.

IQANrun and IQANdesign graph measure improvements

-Show active values in graph when hovering with mouse.

- Show multiple units in graph: ctrl-click to select channels.

Image 2199

- Channel status indicated below graph (OK, Warning, Error)

Image 2201

- Toolbar below graph

- Scroll wheel to navigate ( Wheel only: scroll X,  Ctrl + wheel: zoom X, Shift + wheel: move active measure item up/down, Ctrl + shift + wheel: zoom y for active item, middle mouse to pan)

- Improved performance

CAN bus recovery

Previously a module had to be restarted after a bus off error, now the modules will recover automatically. Implemented for MD4, MC4x/MC4xFS and XC4x.

MC4x/MC4xFS undervoltage recovery

Between approx. 6 V and 5 V the I/O and CAN are set to critical error status, while the application continues to run. Previously voltage below approx. 6V put the module in stopped critical state.

Re-introduce XA2 and XS2 to legacy tab.

Enables upgrade of systems with XA2/ XS2 expansions to 6.x. 

For more features and details, see release notes:






PDF Zoom In/Out

Larri 4 years ago in IQANdesign 0

I know you can currently use the "+" and "-" buttons on the MD4 screen to zoom in/out, but has there been any thought about adding feature to zoom in/out using 2 fingers on the MD4 screen for pdf documents? 


MC4x Wake On CAN

ksilovich 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated 4 years ago 3

We are using a lot of MC41 and MC42 for some OEM (Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler) stand alone drive train kits.   We are looking to add some support for some other features, and we really need to be able to wake up the module when the CAN network becomes active.   And then shut down after the network is dead, or with an input.     

I know the MC4x line doesn't support that currently, but have you guys thought about adding something like that in?   

Or does anyone know of a low cost Wake on CAN module/relay, that can apply power to an MC4x? 


Replace Channel List Cutoff

Chris Litwin 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 4

I'm running IQANDesign 6.02.10 and when using the replace channel function the list gets cutoff at the bottom of the screen with no arrow to move down.

Image 2072


CAN bus utilization measured on channel

LP C 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 3


Is there any way to measure live CANbus traffic on a signal and not only in the System Layout page?

Thank you,



Text to integer

Marcel 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by lbartik 3 years ago 13

Is it possible to convert text to integer? I would like to exchange the serial numbers (Module Diagnostic) of the hardware through the CAN bus. I believe the serial numbers are max 4 bytes in integer(hex) number. If I want to send them as text, I need longer CAN messages (>8 bytes). It will also be easier for the external system (no Parker system) that is supposed to read these values . I use a MD4 and MC41.


IQANdesign 6.02 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated 4 years ago 2

Features in IQANdesign 6.02

Propagate function group output

For application with function groups within function groups, it is now possible to propagate function group outputs to a higher level. This eliminates the need to add in-between math channels.

Image 1966

Optimized RAM memory usage

Compared to version 6.01, an average IQAN-MC43 application use about 5 to 10% less RAM. 

Hint: Look at project statistics, or measure System information channel Memory utilization when the application is running on the MC4x master.

New Qcode keyword ”This”

Sometimes a calculation channel needs to refer to its own value from the previous cycle. Previously, this was done using the channel name, now the keyword This can be used.


//Blink, use IDC delay-on and delay-off to set the duration
Result := not(This)

GT diagnostics

Added module diagnostic channels for GT module, and information on module info page on MD4/IQANrun.

Image 1967

The module diagnostic information depend on the software in the module implementing the GT interface. 

Also see information on Paker Mobile IoT gateways.

Export DBC

It is now possible to export CAN channels to DBC format. 

(A function for importing .DBC files has existed since 5.02)

Image 1968

To export, select one or more GFIN/GFOUT/JFIN/JFOUT channels, or a complete Generic/JJ1939 module.

Also see release notes:





Flash Complete Multimaster Project Over Ethernet Without Using The Diagnostic Bus

Nick Pridham 5 years ago updated by Mark Bevington 5 years ago 1

Are there any plans to enable the complete flashing of a multimaster project over ethernet ? For large multimaster projects, file handling times are now taking many minutes due to the diagnostic bus bottleneck. I have an application where I want to plug an MD4 and MC43 into a switch, plug the PC into the same switch and then flash both masters over ethernet. 


Edit multiple channels

Chris Litwin 5 years ago in IQANdesign 0

There are many instances where almost identical channels are used and it would save a lot of time to be able to edit them all at once. For example SP channels, being able to edit all the states on all channels. Another example is SMC channels.

Thank you,
